Monday, January 14, 2013

Spring Sem again!

Yup, spring semester started today and what a day. First, my car's windshield is totally covered with ice thus have to removed it. Then, because the temperature was freaking cold the deicer iced when I was driving so I had to make 2 quick stops to removed it. I almost got late and was freaking out.

 Even so, I still ended up 2 minutes late to be exact and no big deal. When my instructor was doing her class' attendance I was right on time, the moment she called my name. Raised my hand and she actually saw me. Honestly I am 50-50 starting my classes. Probably because of the load I had to carry last fall, so I'm not that enthusiastic. Yet, I am excite about clinical! Moving on... I had only one class and it went well, so so. 

After class, I met up with my friend, which btw the only person I hangout with, after being in that college for almost 2 years now. I don't know I think it's kinda odd for other people, but nah, I'm good with. Anyways, we hangout to the floor we usually use as our meeting place. I was surprise how empty it was. Last semester, people are like in the cafeteria getting a table of their own or something. I really liked it, cause now I know, if we don't want to talk about something or do something, we can just study their, peacefully. Ooh, while we were talking, I saw like 4 public safety officers went to the GED department just downstairs. I thought I was the only one who noticed that but my friend also did. Tsk, tsk, some people just don't know how to behave. I mean first day and they are so worked-up. Also, I don't know if I see those guys popping to our department I always think of trouble lol, but not in a bad way. I mean their there to keep everything in order.

We decided to look for her classroom and holy cow, tons of people are roaming around the hallways and a long line for IDs. I guess I'm not used to seeing a lot of people anymore, or rather I was always confined inside our little lab. Her classrooms weren't that far from each other and they were in the same hallways as our previous science classes. 

After a while, we ended up exploring the new building. I had a feeling it was huge but didn't imagine how amazing it is. Geez! the hallways are so bright and they have cool hand dryer in the restrooms. Yup, Starbucks was full and had 2 lines. We actually didn't think exploring it would meant like a workout. I guess it's reasonable, we have our book bags for a while and went up to the third floor and then go down. 

I just wished I don't have a wacky schedule, I would've hangout with my friend a lot. 

I started doing school stuff and thank you instructors for the powerpoints on the syllabus. It really is helpful cause now, I'm not writing the whole book all over again. I also wanted to take note about starting to bring coffee, seriously. My brain isn't functioning without coffee from the moment I said "it's spring semester, now work with me." 

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