Friday, February 15, 2013

Car trouble again...

So my normal Friday routine is meeting up with my study group. Unfortunately, this morning my normal routine and plans was ruined thanks to my amazing car. I did have problems with before, but today was the worst. Anyway, my study group mate picked me up, and our study session went well. I was really grateful I have an understanding friend like her :). I was suppose to run some errands after my study group but was canceled of course. Also, I was suppose to drop-off my younger sister somewhere in town, and that was also changed. My dad checked my car along with his friend and waited for it to charged up again. After a while, here we are getting ready to down stairs and buy groceries, then I heard my dad my freaking car isn't working! I am pissed off. I was already ticked off as how my dad keep on saying I forgot my lights since last night, I told him no, cause I checked them when I first try to start my car. They were turned-off.

Glad they decided to buy a new battery and HOPEFULLY that will make a huge difference. I don't want to worry every morning wandering if my car is working or not. I am fine with taking the bus and the train but not when I'm heading to work and of course my clinical shift.

Friday, February 8, 2013


So far I am proud to say I am loving this semester! Clinical shifts were so breathtakingly amazing. Even if we need to 12 hours, I feel like I don't get enough of it. Test were also great. Lessons were taught very well, although materials was tripled.

At work there's nothing really above normal, still the same peaceful place around this time of the year. So peaceful, that I can do study time throughout my shift, of course after available work are done. Yet, sometimes a nice cup of tea or coffee really help me. Since it's all quiet, I still get bored and can't help it but yawn. Speaking of coffee, I am still disappointed that they removed our tiny cafe in the building, since Starbucks is now open. I don't want to go outside freezing and dark just to walk and get a hot nice cup of coffee.

Anyways outside of school, nothing much, still the same old me. Only one friend, outside my program. I also noticed I talk too much "gruesome" things nowadays, which in fact noted by little sister. It is quite amusing how I see things while I learn more and more, and want more. Also, I went to the mall with Sephora's freebies stuff, perfumes! I badly need one but since they are giving it for free (tiny sample) I will go for it.