Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ready to Roll

After accepting the agonizing fact about classes starting early in the morning, I am almost ready to roll for next week's hectic schedule. I got all the necessary things I need, like finally buying my own stethoscope. Clinical starts next week and I'm pretty sure I will be lost on my way to our locker room. Our teacher showed where it is, but all I remember was 'passed the pharmacy...' Lol, hopefully there will be someone down their early in the morning. Also, first test is next week, and it's the next day after my first 12-hour shift, how exciting. 

I kept on reading and writing notes from the ppt my teacher posted and from the books. I just hope they'll sink into my head on time. I have a study group scheduled tomorrow, so I think that'll help somehow. The important thing is I read the lectures and the almost all the chapters properly. Just have to fully absorb them on Monday.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Officially Starting

One of my classes officially started today, and I was not late! Since yesterday morning's an ugly start, because of warming up the car and everything, I made sure to go downstairs and warmed-up my car early. I also had a good parking spot. 

Today I wasn't late, and that's my intention btw. One of my classes officially started today and it wasn't bad. I honestly felt I was a bit prepared because of all the time I spent reading the night before. As expected it lasted at least 2-3 hours and I have no compplain about that. We have 2 instructors for that class, which is reasonable. We are quite many, just half of all the students in the program. So after explaining the syllabus and all those stuffs, we gathered and talked to own respective clinical groups. I was glad that I was assigned to the same instructor last semester and in the same facility. She explained pretty much what we need to expect. One of it are lockers (thank goodness) and scrubs ( hopefully it will fit me). We are assigned for touring the facility on Thursday, and since I am scheduled for the first group every week, I have to be there at sharp 7AM... I have a mixed feelings about having my clinical shift for this part of the semester as I haven't really experienced that stage of being a woman. Then, I remembered about my name pin. I forgot where I put it. Thank goodness I found it later at home and decided to ordered another one, just in case.

After the meeting, my clinical instructor left so the other one would start his lecture. It was a bit different because I haven't had him more neither of my classes last semesters, but I do like how he explained things. I don't know if applicable for the others, but I think reading the books ahead before the lecture day really is helpful. I find myself thinking constantly. Quite surprisingly, I think my brain is getting onto it also.

Class finished on time and I went to the office then ate my burger. I planned to stay in the library longer but I couldn't helped it, my eyes were closing and brain's shutting down. Oh well, I just have to take a nap to re-energize and at least finish the last half-portion of the lecture for tomorrow. 

Started another chapter, hopefully finished this and 2 more  by tonight.

At least slide numbers aren't on the 100's yet. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Spring Sem again!

Yup, spring semester started today and what a day. First, my car's windshield is totally covered with ice thus have to removed it. Then, because the temperature was freaking cold the deicer iced when I was driving so I had to make 2 quick stops to removed it. I almost got late and was freaking out.

 Even so, I still ended up 2 minutes late to be exact and no big deal. When my instructor was doing her class' attendance I was right on time, the moment she called my name. Raised my hand and she actually saw me. Honestly I am 50-50 starting my classes. Probably because of the load I had to carry last fall, so I'm not that enthusiastic. Yet, I am excite about clinical! Moving on... I had only one class and it went well, so so. 

After class, I met up with my friend, which btw the only person I hangout with, after being in that college for almost 2 years now. I don't know I think it's kinda odd for other people, but nah, I'm good with. Anyways, we hangout to the floor we usually use as our meeting place. I was surprise how empty it was. Last semester, people are like in the cafeteria getting a table of their own or something. I really liked it, cause now I know, if we don't want to talk about something or do something, we can just study their, peacefully. Ooh, while we were talking, I saw like 4 public safety officers went to the GED department just downstairs. I thought I was the only one who noticed that but my friend also did. Tsk, tsk, some people just don't know how to behave. I mean first day and they are so worked-up. Also, I don't know if I see those guys popping to our department I always think of trouble lol, but not in a bad way. I mean their there to keep everything in order.

We decided to look for her classroom and holy cow, tons of people are roaming around the hallways and a long line for IDs. I guess I'm not used to seeing a lot of people anymore, or rather I was always confined inside our little lab. Her classrooms weren't that far from each other and they were in the same hallways as our previous science classes. 

After a while, we ended up exploring the new building. I had a feeling it was huge but didn't imagine how amazing it is. Geez! the hallways are so bright and they have cool hand dryer in the restrooms. Yup, Starbucks was full and had 2 lines. We actually didn't think exploring it would meant like a workout. I guess it's reasonable, we have our book bags for a while and went up to the third floor and then go down. 

I just wished I don't have a wacky schedule, I would've hangout with my friend a lot. 

I started doing school stuff and thank you instructors for the powerpoints on the syllabus. It really is helpful cause now, I'm not writing the whole book all over again. I also wanted to take note about starting to bring coffee, seriously. My brain isn't functioning without coffee from the moment I said "it's spring semester, now work with me." 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Past few days

Well the only similarities I experienced these past few days is the I am sick. Yup, started with stuffy nose and now can't even talk properly because of my throat. Although I hated the fact that I am sick and still going to work, I am thankful I had it now not when I have classes. Geez, I can't imagine myself sniffing and blowing my nose while reading tons of pages for my classes. More importantly, I cannot imagine my instructor not allowing me to do my clinical shift! 

Weird enough, my best friend and I are sicked at same time. Thus, we couldn't hangout at all. I tried to set up one but my work schedule wont allow me plus the weather. Err, I want to hangout with her probably when classes starts but my schedules are weird and I'm either stuck on the library or she have classes. Last semester was like that. Sigh... I miss taking gen eds...

Anyways, had my haircut today! I was so stoke about it. I can't believed I waited over a year to cut it. Now I don't have to worry what should I do with my hair. I could just live it as it is. Yet, will not deny that I do like my long hair at some point. I'l just take care of my hair now to avoid those annoying split ends if I want it back...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

HA! A new blog

So I decided to make this blog/semi-diary thing on google for unclear reason but whatever. I honestly don't remember how many times I made a blog and I either deleted them or forgot about their existence, quite amusing eh. Ok, enough with the blabbing and start the purpose of this unnumbered series of blog/semi-diary...  

It is Saturday, and I woke early (unfortunately), with the help of my obnoxious alarm clock, to get ready for work. Well, I don't really have the motivation to go to work but I have to. Anyway, fly flew by when I was at work. We were not 'that' busy as I was expecting it to be, which was I was very thankful for. 

While at work, I decided to try finding the entrance to our new Starbucks in the new building. Oh goodness, I don't know if I was just stupid or it's already in my brain circuit to not know where to go! Geez, it's basically the same building I had 4 classes before and they just added some space!! Anyway, when I felt I was on the right way I decided to give up cause I felt that I wasn't supposed to be there. Ack, plus surveillance camera are already everywhere, although I don't really know if they are connected already.

After giving up the first entrance, I went straight on to the doors where I saw the sign before. Well what to do you know, I tried almost all the door and guess what? Lock. So I literally waited there outside like a creepy-girl waiting for the ladies to open it for me. It was pretty funny that I can't stop smiling.

I took two pictures of the new place, and it was amazing! just looking how spacious and cozy it is let me think how nice it would be to relax there or do study groups (although that may not be possible). 

The 'cozy part' I was talking about. There will be a flat screen TV on the center.

Next time I will go to the right entrance

I rather not talk about what happen after that because it was pretty plain, nevertheless I was glad work was done. 

Upon coming home and decided not to get gas from the nearby gas station, I drag my poor younger sister to come with me and go out. Well she said she needed to buy something, so why not do it cause I need to get gas somewhere that is cheaper (yeah, saved only 10 cents). Went to walmart then blah... Again, the rest of the night was pretty obvious routine. Hopefully I could keep on writing this blog, just for future personal entertainment :)
